Board of Education
The Ventnor City Board of Education, at its Regular Meeting of May 16, 2023 set the following dates for its Regular Session Board of Education meetings, which will be held in the Auditorium of the Ventnor Educational Community Complex, 400 N. Lafayette Avenue, Ventnor, New Jersey, at 5:00 p.m. Action may be taken at all scheduled meetings.
Welcome to Your Ventnor City Board of Education Meetings
Meetings held in the Ventnor Educational Community Complex (VECC)
The Ventnor Board of Education welcomes your attendance at its meetings. The format is determined by State law and Board policy. This meeting flyer has been prepared for your convenience, to help you understand what is going on, and to explain to you how to take part.
If you would like to speak at the meeting, you will have two opportunities. The first is early in the meeting, before the Board votes on the agenda. If you have an issue regarding an item on the agenda and want to address the Board about it before the vote, this is the time to speak. Look through the agenda to see if your issue is going to be voted on. If you are not sure, you can ask during the first public comment. The second opportunity to speak comes after the Board has completed its business. You can use this time to speak about items that did not appear on the agenda.
Speaking at a Board Meeting
Board of Education Members and your fellow residents appreciate if you:
- Follow basic rules of courtesy;
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the President;
- Begin by giving your full name and address;
- Please address your remarks to the President. If you wish to address an individual Board member, you must ask the President for permission;
- Be concise in your remarks;
- Speaking is limited to three (3) minutes per individual, ten (10) minutes per topic. The Board President has the flexibility to alter these limitations.
The President may respond directly to your question or comment or ask a member of the Administration to respond. In some cases, the President may consider it appropriate simply to take note of what you have said, and to acknowledge it with thanks.
Who is the Board?
The Board of Education consists of seven volunteer members. Two to three Board Members are appointed by the Mayor each May for three year terms. The President and Vice-President are elected by the Board from among its members for a one-year term.
What Does your Board Do?
The Board of Education is the Policy-making body. Its primary task is formulation and evaluation of all policies necessary for the operation of the school district. Your Board of Education is also the legislative branch of the school district.
Examples of the Board of Education’s legal responsibilities include acting upon administrative recommendations for appointing and dismissing personnel, adopting an annual budget, and formulating policies necessary to the smooth operation of the district.
What Does the Administration Do?
The school district is managed by an Administrative Team which works within the limits of Board policy. This team is guided by the Superintendent of the School District who is appointed by the Board. The Superintendent serves as the Chief Executive Officer, administers Board policies and keeps the Board informed of the needs and programs of the school district. The Business Administrator/Board Secretary serves a dual function. The Business Administrator is the Chief Financial Officer and carries the responsibility for conducting all business functions of the school district. The Board of Education Secretary carries the responsibility for correspondence, recording for all Board action, and acts as the agent for the Board of Education. The building and district administrators are responsible for the planning, coordination, supervision, and evaluation of programs within the schools.
Board Meeting Format
The format of a Board Meeting differs depending upon what kind of meeting is taking place. Basically, there are three different kinds of meetings.
Regular Public Meetings
Regular public meetings follow a prepared agenda available at the meeting. These meetings are held at 6:00pm (unless otherwise noted) per the published scheduled, which can be found at The Board reviews and votes on school matters. The public is welcome to attend and observe the functioning of the Board of Education at these meetings. Board meetings are held at the Ventnor Educational Community Complex (VECC) located at 400 N. Lafayette Avenue.
Special Board Meetings
Special Board Meetings are Public Board Meetings called for a specific purpose. They are open to the public and provide for public participation, as deemed necessary by the Board. Action and discussion by both the Board and the public are restricted by law to the stated purpose of the meeting. Examples of this type of meeting are adopting an annual budget or Board training.
Executive Sessions
Executive Sessions are held in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act (Sunshine Law). These meetings are closed to the public. Only confidential matters such as personnel, litigation or negotiations may be discussed. Board voting can only occur during an official public meeting. The Board may adjourn during a regular meeting into executive session and reconvene into public session at that same meeting.
Public Participation Segments
Public participation segments at
meetings are announced by the President. There are two sections of the
agenda which allow public participation. The first section is for
comments related solely to agenda items. The second section, held later
in the meeting, is for the public to comment on any school related
issues. Personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate
subjects for Board meetings; these can always be most effectively
resolved with the appropriate staff members, or Administrators,
according to the “chain of command” concept.
Mr Douglas Biagi
Mr. James Quinlan
Mrs. Lori Abbott
Mr Michael Advena
Mr. John C. Baker M.D.
Mr. Michael J. Hagelgans