Gifted and Talented
Identification Criteria
Elementary School
Timeline of Identification Process
The Ventnor Schools begin the identification process yearly on May 1st.
Parents/Guardians are notified of placement into the program on or before August 31st.
Continuum of Services Provided
The Ventnor City Schools begins the GT program in grades K-2 with a push in model that allows for the GT teacher to observe and offer enrichment activities to the students. Grades 3 and 4 have a pull-out GT program that enhances content areas and allows for students to explore topics of interest. Grades 5-8 GT students participate in accelerated learning in all grades through acceleration in Mathematics and ELA. In addition, our grade eight students participate in Algebra 1 and Spanish 1. The District Curriculum provides suggestions for all content areas to enrich all GT students in the program across all subjects. Suggestions for enrichment of our GT students is available in the district approved curriculum for students. Professional development for teachers is held on-going to ensure that all students’ needs are met.
Current District Policy for Gifted and Talented
How can Parents/Guardians address questions/concerns/file a complaint
Ventnor Elementary School
Mrs. Jenna DiMauro
Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Dr. Carmela Somershoe
Elementary School Principal
Ventnor Middle School
Mrs. Chelsea Hoffman
Middle School Guidance Counselor
Mr. Anthony Lupo
Middle School Principal
District GT Coordinator
Ms. Alison Richman
Supervisor of Special Education