Ventnor Elementary School

Principal Grades PK-3 _ Dr. Carmela Somershoe
Principal Grades 4-8 _ Mr. Anthony Lupo
The Ventnor City Public School District operates one building known as the Ventnor Educational Community Complex (VECC). The VECC was built in 1970 with additions constructed in 1974, 1983, 1997, and 2001. The district consists of two separate schools known as the Ventnor Elementary School and the Ventnor Middle School. The Elementary School consists of grades pre-school through fourth servicing a total of 409 students.
Our Elementary School programs include full day programming for students Pre-K through grade 4. The school emphasizes the integration of technology in teaching and learning. Wireless laptops, desktops, pads and tablets have been used throughout all grade levels. Academic and computer assisted instructional programs include language arts literacy, math, science, social studies, and writing. The related arts offered starting in kindergarten include physical education, health, art, music, computer instruction, library, world language, and STEM. Additional programs include instrumental music lessons, gifted and talented, basic skills, bilingual/ESL, and special education. Numerous after school activities focus on developing good work habits with teacher assistance. Our summer reading incentives further showcase our commitment to student success.
What makes the Ventnor Elementary School unique is its diverse, multicultural student population. Students in our school may speak one of 21 different languages and come from a multitude of countries. Each student brings a unique life experience to our school. In 2014- 2015, Ventnor students were comprised of 33% White, 45% Hispanic, 13% Asian, 4% Black, and 5% Multi Ethnicity. Students proudly perform shows and exhibit items that are created throughout the year to emphasize the various cultures in our school.
The strength of the Ventnor Elementary School is the dedication of our staff. Each day they come into the building, not just as administrators, teachers, and support staff, but as mentors and role models for our students. As they leave the building each afternoon, they know that they have made a difference in a young child's life. Another feature of our school is Character Education. Each month, the students and teachers emphasize a new character trait. Each day, the students recite our school pledge designed to remind the children of our commitment to excellence. At the end of every marking period, each class celebrates with a Fabulous Fun Day Activity to reward the students who were not referred for disciplinary action. Each class also chooses a Student of the Month who displays the character trait for the month. Students receive a certificate and community based contribution at a special Student of the Marking Period Social with the principal.
Ventnor Elementary School offers an exceptional educational program that encourages students to become lifelong learners and thereby enrich the community and world in which they live. As principal, my number one priority is to provide for my students the finest education available. I am a firm believer that children can meet the challenges for tomorrow if they are given the opportunity to shine. The children of Ventnor are educated in a safe, fun, and stimulating environment. Each child is expected to strive to do their best.
Dr. Carmela Somershoe
(609) 487-7900